We have to be at the venue in half an hour. Where the fuck is Bearclaw?
I know. Where is that sorry excuse for a guitar player?
Why are you so surprised? He's probably stuck in front of the mirror, gelling his God damn hair. I've had it up to here with his prima donna bull​shit. Every time we go set up for a gig we end up hauling all the gear ourselves.
Why don't you tell me how you really feel? Don't worry we're on the same page here. To be honest, I've been looking to find a less egomaniacal replacement.
Maybe somebody who's less of a douche-bag. Bearclaw really thinks his shit don't stink.
I wish we could get a Slash-type guitar player who's got swagger but isn't so conceited.
Well, as the Rolling Stone's say, "You can't always get what you want."
Seriously, ​though, if we could have literally anyone in the world play with us, who would it be?
Zakk Wylde, from Black Sabbath, cause that guy's got some mean riffs. Also, the guy's one of the most animated guitar players anywhere. You should check out the YouTube video of him at Ozzfest 2008. He goes off on this insane solo. The man just oozes talent.
​I was there! I saw that shit live! It was fucking epic! But for me, I'd have to go old school with Hendrix. That guy could seriously whale (wail) on the guitar. He was one of those guys who couldn't read music for shit but could totally play by ear.
Speaking of dead musicians, I still have mad respect for Kurt Cobain's angsty nonconformist style. He was truly the god of grunge. Can you believe it's been more than 20 years since he committed suicide? Man time flies.
No shit, it does. It's almost time to motor on outta here. If only, Bearclaw would get his ass in gear.
Oh, just got a text from Bearclaw. What a shocker, he says he's going to meet us at the gig because he's still hungover from last night and claims he has two groupies in his bed.
That cocksucker is a legend in his own mind. Too bad he doesn't have the chops to back it up. And since when do we have groupies, we played for 20 people last night. It must have been those two cougars who were buying him drinks all night.
Wasn't one of them your grandma? Ha ha!
Oh, fuck off and help me load my drums.
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access_timeОпубликовано 02 нояб. 2015
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A Rock Star in His Own Mind

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