Are you going to vote in the primaries next year?
No, I'm registered as an independent. But I've thought about it since Bernie Sanders threw his hat into the ring.
Well he's certainly been gaining a lot of momentum on the campaign trail. Personally, given his extreme leftist leanings I'd consider him to be something of a long shot.
I beg to differ. His soaring approval rating is an excellent reflection of that. He's for the little guy, he's insistent on championing the rights of the average Joe over that of the over-privileged, entitled one percenters. He also wants to institute a single-payer health care system and make post-secondary education accessible for everyone. He's very focused on eliminating income inequality.
Well some of those things are also part of Hillary Clinton's platform. She's called for tax incentives for companies utilizing green energy. She's a great advocate and role-model for women. She supports a streamlined pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and ending deportation of families who work and pay taxes in America. Keep in mind, she is already cognizant of the inner-workings of the White House.
If you mean that she was running the country while her husband was getting BJ's in the Oval office then, true dat! But I'm more concerned about her stance on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and America's indiscriminate use of drones. Plus, do we really want to see a Clinton dynasty in the White House?
That's preferable to the destructive Bush dynasty! Let's not even get started on the Republican ticket. I mean Donald Trump, king of the narcissists. What is America coming to that we can potentially have a reality TV star as POTUS.
I guess it's no worse than having a B-grade actor like Reagan with his incredulous trickledown economics. The one thing that kills me is Ted Cruz running after all that birther bull shit with Obama. The only one I give any credence to is Rand Paul.
You must be kidding! Although, I guess you far left types are just about as libertarian as the Tea Party. And besides, Rand Paul isn't exactly a proponent of women's rights, which is why we need a woman in the White House!
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Election Time

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Политика давно стала неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Научиться обсуждать предвыборные кампании кандидатов, социальные программы, реформы системы здравоохранения и многое другое вам поможет урок Election Time. Are you going to vote in the primaries next year?

label_outlineADVANCEDaccess_timeОпубликовано 21 дек. 2015
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