Hello, you must be Stan Michaels, the new associate Marketing Manager. I'm Geoff Bledsoe, the V.P. of the Marketing Division.
Great to meet you Mr. Bledsoe. I'm really excited to jump right in and get my feet wet.
Well you'll certainly be doing that, and please call me Geoff. Let me just fill you in a bit on our organizational culture here at Farmer Franklin's Organic Delights. We really focus on the intrinsic value in regards to all of our products and we pride ourselves on maintaining the integrity of all that our name implies. Fulfilling the expectations of our customers is at the heart of our mission statement.
Yes, I read your mission statement and it really inspired me to want to be part of this project.
I'm glad you're on board with our philosophy. So let's delve right in to the marketing side of this. It's imperative that you understand that our customers are looking to gain certain benefits associated with our products and we strive to retain and bolster that image of convenient organic foods.
Can you tell me a little bit more about the demographics of your customer base?
That's a fabulous question, Stan. Our market segmentation studies have shown that we appeal most strongly to soccer moms, upper-middle class hipsters, and we have quite the burgeoning market of newly retired baby boomers.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the hipsters demographic were your innovators.
That's a keen observation, Stan! I'm glad to see that you recognize the different stages of consumer classification. We wanna expand beyond these niche markets by repositioning our products so we can target a wider audience.
If I might, I think that you could adapt your current products and communication method, as well as your distribution strategy in order to reach a broader consumer base without sacrificing the authenticity of your product. We can also consider revitalizing the brand by modifying our logo and image to attract new customers.
Clearly, you're more than competent to contribute to our team. Welcome aboard.
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Expanding Your Customer Base

Расширение клиентской базы

В любом бизнесе крайне важно понимать – кто ваша целевая аудитория. На примере компании Farmer Franklin's Organic Delights мы рассмотрим, какой может быть сегментация рынка, как привлечь нужного клиента и, конечно же, изучим важную бизнес лексику.

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