Oh my God! This is so exciting. I've wanted to go on an African Safari since I was a kid. I just hope that we don't get eaten by tigers. Ha ha.
Kyle, you do know that there aren't any tigers in Africa, right?
No shit! Seriously? Well please tell me at least i'm gonna see some lions and giraffes?
Oh don't worry, they've got all those animals you'd expect to see on safari. That's why I picked Tsavo East National park. We're going to see so many cool species. I'm really excited about seeing the black rhinos since they are listed as critically endangered.
Why is that? I mean, people don't really eat them or anything, do they?
No, it's more the poaching. The horns are worth so much money on the Chinese black market, making these poachers really tough to stop. Which is why places like this are so great.
I've heard that's a big issue with elephants too, right?
Yeah, people have been killing them for ages for their tusks, which is why ivory is illegal in most of the world.
Hey, I read that elephants carry their calves for like two years.
Yeah, I think that's right. Oh, here are some ostriches.
They kind of freak me out with their long necks and their big eyes.
You know which ones really scare me are those hyenas. I think it's a childhood association with the Lion King.
That's understandable. Hey, is that a evil fox?
No, uh it's a jackal. I think we are coming up to a herd of buffalo. Can you see them?
Yum, I love buffalo burgers. I wonder if they serve them at the restaurant here.
You think that they serve the animals on a conservation as food? Seriously?
Relax, sweetie. Just joking. I know I shouldn't make jokes like that with an environmentalist like you.
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