Hi honey, I'm home. What are you doing sitting in the dark with all these candles? Oh, babe, are we gonna do it on the couch? My favorite!
No dear, I don't think you'll be getting any tonight.
What do you mean? What did I do this time?
You forgot to pay the electric bill....for 2 months!
I thought you paid that one.
Why the hell would you think that when A I told you to pay it and B I've been staying with my sick grandmother for the last two months.
Well you should've reminded me. You know I don't remember shit like that.
I shouldn't have to remind you, you're a grown ass man.
Well you could've said something, just to make sure.
I wouldn't have to if you bothered to actually open the mail like a big boy.
Okay, well now your just being condescending. I probably would've if I hadn't been so freakin' busy at work while you were taking an entire two months off to go play in Florida.
I was not playing. You know that grandma just had a stroke and needed me to look after her.
You could've just hired a nurse instead of going yourself for all that time.
Why should I do that when I can do it myself, and hey, why are you trying to turn this around to me. You are still the idiot who didn't pay the fucking electric bill. And lucky for you, I caught the phone and gas bill in time, otherwise we wouldn't have heat or a working phone.
God you are such a nag sometimes.
And you are such a child. And may I remind you that if you had paid the bill we wouldn't be having this argument right now and we would probably be having sex and watching Silcon Valley.
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