Hey, I read this article that said that these guys in Silicon Valley are working on a robot that could replace all the service jobs. Like they think that we will have robot waiters serving us in 10 years.
Well, ​that's great but what's gonna happen to all the people who will lose their jobs.
It's okay because will be living on space stations and they can get jobs there.
Oh really? I have trouble believing that we will have even solved the problem of simulating gravity. You can't live without gravity for too long.
Well, what do you think the future will be like in 20 years?
I think we will make more progress in smart home technology, you know, where your fridge can order food for you and you can turn the shower on with your phone?
Yeah, that's some pretty cool Star Trek shit.
But seriously, I like to think more about how technology will change the world for the better
Better than living on space stations?
Yeah, like how people will be more educated and that we will be able to print food with those 3D printers and feed all the poor people with it. And maybe, eventually, they will have figured out how to clone animals that have become extinct.
Oh like, Jurassic Park? That didn't turn out too well for those guys in the movie.
I was thinking more about the dodo bird and the white rhino. I think I'd prefer to live in a world​ without velociraptors.
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